Agencja pracy Cosmoworker - Job Offers


Personal Data

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Checking this box is mandatory. Thanks to this data, we can provide you with basic service in the selected recruitment process.

Contact Data

Checking this box is recommended. Thanks to this data, we can provide you with full service in this and subsequent recruitment processes.

Checking this box is mandatory. Thanks to this data, we can provide you with basic service in the selected recruitment process.


Checking this box is recommended. Thanks to this data, we can provide you with full service in this and subsequent recruitment processes.

Checking this box is mandatory. Thanks to this data, we can provide you with basic service in the selected recruitment process.

Professional Data

Checking this box is recommended. Thanks to this data, we can provide you with full service in this and subsequent recruitment processes.

Checking this box is mandatory. Thanks to this data, we can provide you with basic service in the selected recruitment process.

Regions You are interested in

Job Region

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Checking this box is mandatory. Thanks to this data, we can provide you with basic service in the selected recruitment process.

Birth Date

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Checking this box is mandatory. Thanks to this data, we can provide you with basic service in the selected recruitment process.


Drag CV to apply Choose files for upload
Choose files

Checking this box is recommended. Thanks to this data, we can provide you with full service in this and subsequent recruitment processes.

Checking this box is mandatory. Thanks to this data, we can provide you with basic service in the selected recruitment process.

File uploaders

Drag photos Choose files for upload
Choose files
Drag other files Choose files for upload
Choose files

Checking this box is recommended. Thanks to this data, we can provide you with full service in this and subsequent recruitment processes.

Checking this box is mandatory. Thanks to this data, we can provide you with basic service in the selected recruitment process.

Additional data

Dyspozycyjność do pracy od dnia
Dyspozycyjność do pracy na okres
Jeśli posiada Pani/Pan doświadczenie na stanowisku, którego dotyczy ten formularz aplikacyjny, prosimy o podanie zakresu prac
Certyfikaty, dyplomy
Posiadane kategorie prawa jazdy
Znajomość języka angielskiego
Znajomość języka niemieckiego
Znajomość języka niderlandzkiego
Czy posiada Pani/Pan doświadczenie w pracy poza granicami Polski?
W jakim kraju aktualnie Pani/Pan przebywa?
Opcja wyjazdu
Imię i nazwisko ewentualnej osoby/osób towarzyszących (w przypadku wyjazdu jednoosobowego proszę wpisać "-")
Czy posiada Pani/Pan własne zakwaterowanie oraz zameldowanie w Holandii? 


Checking this box is recommended. Thanks to this data, we can provide you with full service in this and subsequent recruitment processes.

Checking this box is mandatory. Thanks to this data, we can provide you with basic service in the selected recruitment process.